Tonight i'm off to the Eagles concert at Acer Arena with my sister Victoria, i've waited a long time for this, so better late(33years) than never, I've had a long period in my life where not many big things happen to me, but now i'm enjoying an action packed two weeks visiting my sister and her family.
So far i've been to Cobbity markets and winery( cute little old italian winery ) that sells all those great liquers and mixers and everyday but much yummier wines than those boutique ones, seriouly i like the sweet fruity taste. Then sunday we were off to Mathilda"s Market, Such a great market, fantastic quality and so addictively cute kids stuff, got to Meet the very lovely Retromummy Corrie and her sweet new baby Elodie,and Liss her very lovely helper.Can't wait to sew with all those fabrics.
Then we spent the afternoon at Birkenhead point, so big to a country girls like me, will have to pop back there before i go home.