Olivia and Angelica's halloween decorating |
Mummy's Ghost House |
Me little lovelies |
Flying off to cause toil and trouble |
The masked mudblood |
peaceful witches " sure" |
Devils food cake |
Ready to party |
I don't care about the Aussie Wowser's who down Halloween, any reason for children to have fun and use their imagination is fine by me. I'm Australian and have enjoyed Halloween fun with all my kids, this year the twins were old enough to set the theme and decorate themselves,the loungeroon has been totally spooked out for two weeks. We didn't bother trick or treating this year as most of the people in our area are unhalloweenducated (thats an Olivia word). So we enjoyed a halloween Feast with Big sister Jess and her family , The menu was Pustulent Pizza, Deviled Hotdogs(chorizo's in rolls),Wriggles and Guts (pasta bolangnase) and Dessert Halloween devil's d food cake and to many lollies. At School Angelica got to have some Halloween fun, her Teacher Mrs Jackson(who is from Canada) asked all the kids to dress casual in black,purple,red or green, Mrs Jackson gave all the students a Trick or Treat goody bag full of sweets. THANK YOU MRS JACKSON!!!! So thats Halloween for 2012 over and out.