This was a week of great suffering, bravery and humanity in Queensland, i really don't think i could find the words to express in this post, so i like so many ask, What can i do to help? We all have different gifts and skills, some of us who are close by can volunteer with the clean up, we can donate money , or if we stitch we can pull our ever growing fabric stashes out and do something useful with them. The very lovely Corrie Sebire of Retromummy has come up with a great way to help and comfort Flood victims by asking all crafting ladies and men if they could make up some Lap Quilts or Quilt blocks to be made up into quilts for babies,children and adults, quilt squares should measure 12 inches when quilt is assembled so unfinished blocks should measure 121/2 inches, fabrics must be 100% cotton or cotton/linen blend, any design,go to for more information and ideas on design and where to send your finished pieces . This is something even a beginner could do, so open those sewing cupboards and start stitching.
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